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Walking with God

Published on by Joey

Excerpts of Sermon by Joseph Foray Snr.(Elder), Oforikrom Church of Christ, Kumasi, Ghana date: Sunday, 23rd September, 2012 .....And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. Genesis 5: 21-24, By faith Enoch was translated that he should...

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Who is on the Lord's side?

Published on by Joey

A snap shot of exhortation by Elder Joseph Foray Snr of the Oforikrom Church of Christ(English Assembly), Kumasi, Ghana on Sunday, 9th Sept, 2012 Text: 1 Samuel 17: 45-47 The 17 year old shephered boy-David declared to Goliath where his might, faith and...

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Measures to Ensuring peaceful elections in Ghana and Africa

Published on by Joseph Foray jnr

Measures to Ensuring peaceful elections in Ghana and Africa

First and fore most God our creator is very interested in the welfare of his children. Peace is a divine idea and man must work hard to ensure peaceful coexistence in society. Politicians must not pretend they have the people at heart more than the creator...

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