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Solid waste management in Ghana-Time to act

Published on by Joey

Eating healthy foods to be strong, productive and live longer is synonymous to caring about waste management in our society. Sometimes the subject of solid waste management appears to be a huge monster without a face and a name – that everyone seems to...

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Climate Change in Africa

Published on by Joey

Every season brings about new global issues to battle with. Tsunamis in Asia; swine flu battles, credit crunch in America, global economic recession and now-- climate change. Africa is making its voice heard as hard as possible in a bid to salvage some...

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Solid-Waste challenges in Ghana-Time to Act

Published on by Joey

Following the exposure of the hazards electronic waste poses to our societies, solid waste problems also comes to mind. Metro TV carried a news item on solid waste problems in Accra. The following stood out in the report: Resources (money from the state)...

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