Be Excellent in all things
For i know the thoughts i think towards you. thoughts of good and not of evil, to give you a future and HOPE. Jeremiah 29:11.
The worst failure Life is being unable to do all that God created you to do and be.
3 Areas of Excellence
1. You owe God a duty of being your best.
2. You owe your generation a duty of being the best.
3. You owe yourself the duty of being the best.
1You owe God the duty of excellence
Since God has invested in our potential, we cannot allow such investments go waste. We bring glory and honour to God when we are all God wants us to be. Your excellence is evangelistic.
2.You owe your generation the duty of excellence.
Your generation benefits from your existence. We are a Royal priesthood, a holy nation , a peculiar people. 1 peter 2:9. An excellent spirit was in Daniel. Even God SHUT THE Mouths of Lion from devouring him. Daniel 5:12 -31
You owe yourself a duty of excellence.
You must be the best version of yourself. When you are the best, you experience the best in Life. Our destinies are intertwined with other people, so if you live your best, you will make others to succeed also. NATURE will corporate and you will be a pleasure to God.
excerpt of Sermon: Elder Joseph Foray Snr. Church of Christ, Oforikrom,Kumasi,Ghana, 23rd June, 2019