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Buying Life Insurance Policies in Ghana: Best Deals
Life is full of uncertainties therefore a comprehensive Life Insurance cover is necessary to ensure a smooth future going forward. What are some of the Life covers under consideration: 1. Educational Support Plan/Savings Policy. 2. A Premier Farewell...
Life Insurance:Meaning, Benefits-Ghana and Globally
What is Life Insurance ? Life Insurance is a contract between an insurance company and a policy holder and beneficiaries to pay a lump sum of money during critical or terminal illnesses, disabilities or death of the insured lives. Life insurance is a...
The Best Life Insurance Policies in Africa: Ghana Case
Purchasing life insurance coverage can be one of the most important and enduring financial decisions the head of a household makes for his or her family. A life policy can ensure that a family’s most pressing financial obligations are met even if a primary...
Liberia: Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to George Weah. Achievements, Challenges, the way foward. Lessons for Governance in Africa
Liberians are impatient for the change they voted for. The bread and butter issues continue to bite hard to the bone. President George Weah - elected largely by the youth on the Euphoria of change is yet struggling to grapple with the realities of political...
Successful (Life) Insurance Selling Strategies on Phone or in Person
Successfully selling Insurance is an art, a science, a skill that must be learnt, practiced and mastered overtime to achieve the outstanding professional and financial rewards a sales agent, consultant or marketer is seeking in their careers. Selling...
A study on Anger
Text: Jonah 4:1-4 Jonah, a prophet - got angry with God because God desired of him to preach salvation to the people of Nineveh. His anger and disobedience led him into many problems. Anger can cause untimely death. Anger can cause people to fall and...
Africans Risking death for greener pastures in the West
The Darien Gap is one of the world's most dangerous jungles - full of drug traffickers, thieves and poisonous animals. So why are thousands of Africans trying to cross this jungle in South America? The BBC's Catherine Byaruhanga joined one group. Why...
How to Grow Spiritually. Fundamental Principles of spiritual Growth.
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as many as being perfect, be thus minded: and if in anything ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. Philippians 3:14,15. We can grow...
Will Your Anchor Hold in the Storms of Life? A message of Endurance.
……...Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and Patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father; knowing, brethren beloveth, your election of God. 1 Thessalonian 1: 1-4 God has not promised His...
Education: Ashesi University, Ghana. Leadership,Values, Impact
If we make every attempt to increase our Knowledge in order to use it for human good, it will make a difference in us and in our world . – Ben Carson. Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which...
Educational Support Plan From Prudential Life Insurance, Ghana
The Educational Support Plan is a savings product designed to meet future educational needs. Give your child an advantage for life. 3 major Advantages of this product. 1. Waiver of Premium on the Death of the policy holder.? Beyond six months of your...
The Birth of Christ
Matthew 2:1-12 The prophets prophesied more than seven hundred years before Christ was born. Today a Messiah is born in Bethlehem. Glory to God in the highest, Peace and good will to all men. God's favor should always be with his His people. When we all...
Arise and Build in Unity
1 Corinthians 12:12-13 If we want to build the church, we need to come together in Unity. Coming together to solve problems of one another. A United Church experiences spiritual growth. The church cannot see itself as individuals but as one body. No individual...
President Elect Joseph Boakai: Liberia on Unity, Vision, leadership and commitment.
Statement by His Excellency Ambassador Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Snr. President-Elect of Liberia following the Pronouncement of the November 14, 2023 Presidential Elections Runoff November 22, 2023 My Fellow Citizens, Dear Liberians; On November 17th, 2023,...
Seeking Divine Direction: A walk of Faith
Delivered by Elder Joseph Foray Snr, of Oforikrom Church of Christ(English Assembly), Kumasi, Ghana on the occasion of a six day fast and prayer program, -15th - 21st October, 2012. Theme; Seeking Devine Direction. Text; Luke 5;4, 5....Launch out into...
The Diaspora and Africa: The Year of Return in Ghana. Be inspired.
1619 marks the year of the first documented arrival of enslaved Africans in what's today the United States of America. The West African country of Ghana - which was a major hub during the transatlantic slave trade - declared 2019 the year of return and...
Pru Red Day Activation from Prudential Insurance Ghana
Come check up your policy details, amendments on your policy, the new financial packages available for Life covers Funeral covers , wealth plans and endowment policies available. 24th - 26th of April 2024 at various centers around the country. Beyond...
How To build Character
Building character. Barnabas (son of encouragement). Lifter. Son of persuasion. A dependable character in Barnabas. A Trusted brother Barnabas was a good man, full of faith and the holy Spirit.... St Luke. He showed kindness, humility and Love. Faithfulness....
CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19): Origin, Causes, Effects, Prevention, Global Impact.
What is a ‘novel’ coronavirus? A novel coronavirus (CoV) is a new strain of coronavirus. The disease caused by the novel coronavirus first identified in Wuhan, China, has been named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) – ‘CO’ stands for corona, ‘VI’ for...
There is Hope If We Don't Give Up. Stay in Faith.
Watch and Pray, less you fall into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. He went again the second time and prayed, saying……. if this cup will not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done. Matthew 26:36 – 42. Man’s...
Liberia and Corruption: Fails half of Millennium Challenge scorecard since 2009
Washington – Liberia has for the first time since 2009 fallen sharply on the annual assessment of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, a collection of 20 independent, third-party indicators that measure a country’s policy performance in the areas of...
PNEUMATOLOGY:The study,nature and work of the Holy Spirit in focus
Who or what is the Holy Spirit? What is his nature, characteristics and functions in the life of believers? What are the scriptural proofs that he is a person and not a mere force? What is his spirit hood and deity like? He has various names given to...
Prayer: Fight the Good Fight of Faith. Fight on
Be strong therefore and let not your hands be weak: for your works shall be rewarded. 2 Chronicles 15:7 Everything is undergoing a degeneration process in life. Resources continuously get depleted, the body grows weaker, our energy levels go down, excitement...
Liberia:President George Weah's Fight Against CoronaVirus (COVID -19) with special song.
The world has been struck by the deadly and overwhelming impact of the Corona-virus. Governments across the World have put in measures to deal with the global pandemic ravishing the lives of many. In the West African nation of Liberia, it's president...
Skin Colour Not Barrier to Success
Andrew Ramroop OBE said when he joined Savile Row in 1974 he was told "to work in the back" because, he said, he was not white. Now a master tailor at Maurice Sedwell, he hopes to inspire a younger Judge a man not by the colour of his skin but by the...