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Encountering God through the power of Desire

Published on by Joey

Encountering God through the power of Desire

Excerpts of sermon delivered by Preacher Joseph Foray Snr of the Oforikrom Church of Christ(English Assembly), Kumasi, Ghana on Sunday, 1st July, 2012. Text: Gen 32:24-28....And Jacob was left alone, and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking...

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The Christian and Nation building

Published on by Joseph Foray jnr.

The Christian and Nation building

The author believes that Transformational leadership in Africa can be realized when the citizenry is proactive and live the values of truth, unity, intergrity and patriotism. The christian has a great role to play in national progress. Christians are...

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The wonderful Gift of Life

Published on by Joey

To be alive is a special gift from God. There is always the opportunity to outdo your negative past and start anew with the gift of life that the creator has blessed us with. Live everyday in praise and thanksgiving for what you've achieved and the greater...

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