Skin Colour Not Barrier to Success
The world's finest tailors are changing their ways - BBC London
Andrew Ramroop OBE said when he joined Savile Row in 1974 he was told "to work in the back" because, he said, he was not white. Now a master tailor at Maurice Sedwell, he hopes to inspire a younger
Judge a man not by the colour of his skin but by the content of his character. The words of Martin Luther King Jr. Enough of the discrimination, racism, xenophobia, factionalism and the likes. Twisted mindsets that ought to be corrected.
Yes. Our upbringing, socialization, and environment might all be different but recognize each person as a human being created by God. Respect for others builds unity. Respect and recognition of others abilities brings out the best in people. No race, tribe, or social class is superior to another. It’s all about opportunities and the right environment that brings out excellence in others.
We live in a divisive world where groups and governments are trying hard to segregate and trash others who seem to be a threat to their suppose superiority. It’s a destructive ideology. Let Love Lead.
Build up yourself always at any given opportunity. Build up your mind and horizon. Get all the support you can get to push you forward in life. Focus, persistence, commitment and a Never give up attitude always wins. Ask for strength, guidance, wisdom and protection from the God of Heaven and it shall be well with you.
Do not let the toxic, negative environment put you down. You’re an over comer. The human spirit cannot be permanently chained. Break free and explore your world of opportunities.