Solid-Waste challenges in Ghana-Time to Act
Following the exposure of the hazards electronic waste poses to our societies, solid waste problems also comes to mind.
Metro TV carried a news item on solid waste problems in Accra. The following stood out in the report:
Resources (money from the state) are not enough to adequately manage waste in the country. That waste management is an expensive business.
The state still owe several waste management companies some money since 2008.
Limited or no Land fill sites available in the country.
What can we do about this?
Prioritize the issue of waste management. If it is a national problem, address it seriously.
Let us change our attitudes and mindsets. The people who litter our streets with filth are not mad people. They are students, marketers, religious folks, public servants, private workers and people we call responsible individuals. Take a decision today never to drop a plastic, water bag or any litter in the street and stick to it. Let this be a standard that governs your life. Let this be a value you are adding to your society and impart this to more people as possible.
I have observed that many people use the gutters as their garbage dump. This is nasty and disheartening. This also accounts for the heavy flooding of our streets when there is an average down pour of rain. Resolve to solve this problem in your own small way.
It is time for most people to start paying for the garbage accumulated. This shows you’re truly responsible and ready to address the problem. Some homes have a garbage pit there they burn their garbage papers and plastic. The street is not the dumping ground. Your own family members would get sick from your irresponsible action.
A comprehensive waste management policy is necessary. Yes, it is expensive but worth every pesewa. A Healthy continent is a prosperous continent. Policy makers must push this policy through and every one of us will support it. Generations to come will reap the benefits of a thinking society.
Much more can be done, but as Africans- our participation is crucial to rebuilding the leadership and prosperity of Africa. Add your voice to this debate and take action today.