Wisdom For Life. Series 1

Published on by Joey

We need direction and wisdom to win in this life and fulfil our God given potential. It is said that, "Eyes that look are common, but eyes that see are rare". Sight is the function of the eyes, but vision is a function of the heart. There is no greater source of hope and confidence than that of vision. 

 This series is meant to supply useful tips and guidance to make us accomplished people in this life.

1.The poorest person in the world is a person without a dream.

2. The most frustrated person in the world is someone who has a dream but doesn't   know how to make it come to pass.

3.Every person was created by God to be unique and distinct.

4.God has place in every human being a unique vision and call that is designed to give purpose  and meaning to life.

5. No  person can give you your vision. It is God- given.

6. Every human being  was created to accomplish something that no one else can accomplish.

7. God loves dreasmers. He isattracted to people who love to dream Big.

8. You are responsible for stirring up the gift  with in you.

9.Your Gift will make away for you in the world and enable you to fulfil your vision.

10. One person with vision is greater than the passive force of ninety-nine people who are merely interested in doing or becoming something.

        culled from: The power of vision. Myles Monroe

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<br /> faithful is he who has called us to be his own<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> when a man's path is directed by the right source, his success is inevitable.<br /> <br /> <br />