Treat Every Person Like a Gatekeeper

Published on by Joseph Foray jnr.

Delivery: Nicholas Boachie (Preacher), Oforikrom Church of Christ (English Assembly), Kumasi, Ghana; on Sunday, February 15, 2015

Text: Genesis 24:13-15

  • A Gate keeper is someone God has prepared to open the doors to your destiny in life. Gate keepers open the doors to our opportunities in life.
  • Give respect to everyone. God uses the weak to confound the wise. 1 Cor. 1:27.
  • Be open to endless possibilities while we listen to the advice of others.
  • For you do not know who will open the door to your desired destination in life.
  • Matthew 25:40 – In as much as you did it to one of these my brethren, you did it for me. You will not regret it if you treat others with kindness.

Examples from the scripture of people who were Gatekeepers for others.

  1. Naaman the Leper in 2 Kings 5. (A maid initiated the healing of Naaman from Leprosy)

2.Joseph the dreamer in Prison. Genesis 40,41: 9-57 (Fellow prisoner became gatekeeper for Joseph’s rise)


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