Today is the Day of Good News
Evangelizing the World for Christ
Text: 2Kings 7:1-9
Sometimes we need to go through the struggles of life before success is achieved in any sphere of life. We can’t just sit at a spot and say it shall all be well without making any move.
Every now and then precious souls are being lost. As believers, we cannot sit and be quiet about what is happening. We need to make a little effort. We need to make a move; like the four men who were diseased and sat at the gate.
The story is told in 2 Kings 7:1-9 through Elisha the prophet, that in 24 hours the price of flour will drastically reduce in the gates of Samaria. some who heard these words doubted it. Elisha responded that they will see it happen but will not eat of it.
Meanwhile (verse 3), four Leprous men who sat at the entrance of the gates challenged themselves and took a bold leap of faith. They said that the famine in the city might kill them if they sat and didn’t make a move; they were also likely to be killed by the Syrian Army if they went into the city.
Despite the risk, the four decided they will go. If they die, they die; if they live. So be it. But sitting idly was not the best option.
Verse 5. The woke up early and went into the camp of the Syrians and behold, there was no man in sight. Empty place. For the Lord had made the host of the Syrian Army to flee upon hearing the noise of chariots and horses; like the noise of a great host pursuing them.
For the Syrians said, The Israelites have hired a foreign army to come and attack them. So they fled for their lives leaving everything behind. This was however the movement of four diseased men walking. Hallelujah!!!
The men went in and ate and drank to their satisfaction. They also carry priced jewelry in gold and silver. They had to go and share the good news to the world excitedly. And this was the turning point in their lives they’ve been waiting for.
Today is the day of good news. Today is the day of Salvation. Wake up and receive God’s goodness. Wake up and proclaim the good news of Jesus to the world today.
The Moral of the story: This is what God can do when His children take a leap of faith. When we decide not to be idle and do nothing. When we make the effort to step out despite our fears and threats.
Jesus came and died; and resurrected to give us eternal hope and salvation. Let us do our best and tell the world the good news. That Jesus saves, and will do wonders in our lives if we avail ourselves.
Excerpts of sermon delivered by: Alexander Nii Sowah (Minister). At Oforikrom Church of Christ, English Assembly. Kumasi, Ghana on Sunday, September 29, 2019.