There is Hope If We Don't Give Up. Stay in Faith.
Watch and Pray, less you fall into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. He went again the second time and prayed, saying……. if this cup will not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done. Matthew 26:36 – 42.
Man’s first reaction to troubles and challenges is to despair, draw back, look for an easier option or to give up. The advice to all and sundry is this: Do not give up because there is still hope.
Jesus acknowledged that the battle ahead was never going to be easy. He was faced with eminent torture, suffering and death. He asked God for strength to go through such difficult ordeal. He became an over-comer. Even death could not hold him captive.
I don’t know the battles you might be going through today; the fact that things are not working now does not mean that it will always remain the same. There is hope if we don’t give up.
For in His time, He makes all things beautiful. Ecclesiastes 3:11
Christ stayed in obedience to God His Father, despite the trauma he was about to face. Stay in Obedience to God and He will deliver you.
Continue to remain steadfast. Continue to work hard. Continue in your commitment to prayer and fellowship.
Never give up on Life or on God. It may be difficult now, but God will make a way, where there seem to be no way.
Hold no grudge or animosity against anyone. Be ready to forgive your brethren who offend you. What God has promised for your life will come to pass if you keep the faith and Hope in him.
Tough times are for a moment. The sun will shine on your situation. Keep on serving God and stay faithful no matter what may come your way. You are a child of victory. Amen.
Delivered by: Alexander Nii Sowah. (Minister). Church of Christ, Oforikrom, English Assembly. Kumasi Ghana. Sunday sermon. 6th Oct. 2019
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