Will Your Anchor Hold in the Storms of Life? A message of Endurance.
……...Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and Patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father; knowing, brethren beloveth, your election of God. 1 Thessalonian 1: 1-4
God has not promised His children a smooth path through life but believers are assured that they will get to the very end and reach the finish line of victory.
Heaven awaits those who will stand firm to the very end and receive the crown of Life God has prepared for all who belong to Him.
For the church of God at Thessalonica, the Apostle Paul in his letter to them mentioned three pillars or elements responsible for the growth and strength of the Church. The pillars are:
- Their work of Faith
- Their Labour of Love
- Their Patience of Hope
Will your anchor hold in the storms of Life? The storms of life in the days of the Apostle Paul were great. Paul had to leave Thessalonica earlier than expected due to persecution of the saints of God. He was of praise for the Thessalonian church for their:
Work of Faith: Faith is hard work. For Faith without works is dead. James 2:14-26. The Hebrew writer makes it clear that without Faith, it is impossible to please Him. That anyone that comes to God must believe that He is; and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6. Christians must have works that have been produced by Faith. Faith and work, works hand in hand.
Whoever comes to God must come in Faith. Are we working in this Church for God? The maturity of a congregation is not determined by its structure. A growing Church is one that leads its members in working in the field for Christ. All members of the Kingdom must get involved in one form of work or the other for God. What are you involved with as far as church work is concerned?
The Labour of Love: Our anchor can only hold when it’s based on the anchor of love. Love for God. Love for humanity. Love for the Kingdom business. Love for enemies. Love is a decision and not just a feeling. A decision to love is hard work and commitment. Whatever comes our way in life, we must continue to labour in love. Our labour for God should be inspired by love. Apostle Paul defined what Love is from Romans 5:8. Which says:
But God commanded His Love towards us; in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. We were sinners when he died for us. We were not righteous or perfect.
The Patience of Hope: Believers must think of enduring and preparing for Jesus coming. That is our Hope. The hope that one day, we will be with Christ in heaven. The Thessalonians were applauded for their Faith, hope and love. Stay in Faith. Stay in hope. Stay in Love. We don’t know when we will die and leave this world. So stay in hope of the coming savior.
Faith, hope and love remains but only for those who have given their lives to Christ.
Our hope is in Christ, knowing that we will work to the very end despite the storms of life.
Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. Be a part of the saved souls.
Excerpts of sermon Delivered by: Harrison Obeng Debrah (Minister), Church of Christ, Oforikrom English Assembly. 13th Oct. 2019
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