Exceeding Limits of Praise and Thanksgiving

Published on by Joey

Delivered by Minister Joseph Foray Snr, of Oforikrom Church of Christ on Sunday, 6th September, 2012 on the theme;  Exceeding Limits of Praise and Thanksgiving.

Text; Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.   Psalm 150;6 , Acts 2; 42, 46

The earth will only release to us what is duly ours when we give God the Praise he deserves.

You cannot run out of your needs and supplies until you run out of praise to God.

God appreciates our praise and Thanksgiving and wants us to praise him always.

Why do we Praise God?

We praise God for the breath of Life we have in us.
We praise Him for the Divine health he's given to us.
We praise God for the knowledge we have of him. It is a blessing to know God in this Life. It puts one ahead of contemporaries and  protects us from the devices of the enemy.
The  knowledge of God gives you the confidence to go through life without fear.

We praise God for the frustration of the plans and expectations of the enemy.

Praising God is an attack on defeat, rejection and misfortune.

Praising God is having favour with man. For when a man's will pleases God, even his enemies will be at peace with him.

Praising God brings the addition of souls and the multiplication of blessings and expansion.

Praising God destroys near success syndrome.  The state where it seems success is almost realized but it all fizzles away.


Published on Kingdom Matters

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Comment on this post
Papa Foray opens our eyes again to a great dimension of His will. This is indeed the will of God