The Wisdom of God makes a Man Unstoppable.
Text: 1 Kings 6: 38…..And it took him seven years to build the house. (Solomon build God’s house and completed it)……emphasis…mine.
Wisdom was the major ingredient in Solomon’s life. With wisdom he was unstoppable despite the challenges he encountered in building God’s temple.
What is wisdom? Wisdom is the ability to analyze and simplify complex situations. (Wisdom dissolves challenges)
Also, Wisdom is the possession of problem solving secrets. (Providing the solutions to problems).
· When you are in possession of the wisdom of God, you become a problem solver.
· Whatever your life’s ambitions are, wisdom will make you unstoppable.
Joseph son of Jacob could not be stopped by the challenges of life because of the wisdom of God. He faced several battles:
- 1. The battle of enemies and conspiracy
- 2. The battle of false accusations
- 3. The battle of promise and fail
- Joseph arrived when God intended him to arrive.
Acts 7:9, 10 reveals…….And the patriarchs, moved with envy sold Joseph into Egypt, but God was with him. And delivered him out of all afflictions and give him favour and wisdom in the sight of Pharoah King of Egypt; and he made him governor over Egypt and his house.
Key points concerning the power of wisdom
1. Where wisdom is at work, obstacles don’t survive. No devil can block the power of a man in whose life wisdom is working.
2. Divine strategy is the answer to satanic conspiracy. God will give you the ability to handle the conspiracy against your spiritual life, marriage, the fruit of the womb, against your work, your health etc.
3. In the battle between your destiny and your adversary, your most important weapon is the wisdom of God.
Take note: When the wisdom of God is at work in your life, there is no place for the devil. Luke 21:15. For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay or resist.
4. Where ever Joseph went, he was always the head and not the tail. Even in the prison, in the dungeon ---he excelled. With the wisdom of God, you are always on top.
5. When the wisdom of God is at work, men must rise. Once men are not able to temper with your wisdom and favour, there is nothing men can do to you.
Sermon delivered by: Joseph Foray Snr. - (Elder). Oforikrom Church of Christ (English Assembly) Kumasi, Ghana on Sunday, 16th November, 2014