Who is on the Lord's side?
A snap shot of exhortation by Elder Joseph Foray Snr of the Oforikrom Church of
Christ(English Assembly), Kumasi, Ghana on Sunday, 9th Sept, 2012
Text: 1 Samuel 17: 45-47
The 17 year old shephered boy-David declared to Goliath where his might, faith and
power came from....
...thy cometh to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a sheild: but i come to
thee in the name of the Lord
of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thy hast defied.
This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand;and i will smite thee........and all the
earth may know that there's a God in Israel.
And all the assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the
battle is the Lord's and he will give you into our hand...
David's faith and devotion to God was what set him apart from his bretheren and the
entire community of Israel.
Lessons drawn from passage.
To be a winner in this life, your private relationship with God would determine your
public victories, results and accomplishments in your current life and even eternity.
To avoid failure in life, you must consolidate your relationship with God.
To be on the LORD'S side you must be connected with the burden of God.
Like David, when connected to God's burden, you become a blessing to your generation.
Be moved by moves God. Nehemiah was concerned with God's burden -the building of
the walls of Jerusalem.
Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10: 17.
Your knowledge of God would determine your victory over adversaries and
David knew his God......The Lord is my shephered and i shall not want. Psalm 23:1
......But the people that know their God, they shall be strong and do exploits...Daniel 11:32
Enhance your relationship with God through study, meditation and practice of the word.
Through giving your time and resources for kingdom purposes.
Through fellowship with the bretheren consistently.....Not forsaking the assembly of the
saints as it is the habit of some....Hebrews 10:25
Stay on the Lord's side and be assured of divine intervention in every aspect of your