The Structure of the Church(The Church of Christ) Lesson Two
- In this lesson, we shall discuss three pertinent facts concerning Church Organization or Church Government.
- These facts are sometimes called The beginning facts about church organization.
- They are as follows:
- Every Organization must have leaders.
- Every organization must have followers.
- Each group must give cooperation to the other.
- Leadership is very important in every organization.
- When there is no leader in an organization, we see chaos, confusion, disorderliness etc.
- Jesus was a leader (while he was here on earth), and used to have many followers.
- Mathew 9:36 teaches us that He often had compassion on the multitudes because they were as sheep having no shepherd(leader).
- Leadership is important in every sphere of life.
- Shakespeare once said, when two people are riding a horse together, one person must take the lead, as the two cannot be leaders at the same time.
- Even among groups of animals like the sheep, there must be a leader.
- The same is true with groups of men.
- God saw that a human family needed a leader, and so he created the husband as the head (Eph. 5:23).
- Nations of the world must have rulers and leaders to rule their people.
- Therefore, God has ordained that there be Kings and governors in the system (1 Peter 2:13,14).
- Groups of human laborers will do a far better work when there are good leaders to superintend them.
In all of these things, we can rightly say that God’s plan for leaders in the church is a reasonable plan.
- Just as every congregation must have a leader, so it is also true that every congregation must have followers.
- Jesus once said that every city or house divided against itself shall not stand (Matt.12:25)
- Even with good leaders in a congregation, every congregation must also have good followers.
- Following is as essential to the progress of an organization as leading.
- However, many people do not consider followers to be very important.
- Followers need to be trained as to how to follow.
- God expects those who follow to be good followers.
- They must be taught how to follow.
- Good leaders and good followers must know each other very well.
- In John 10:27, Jesus said these words: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, they follow me.”
- Jesus is the Shepherd (Leader) and the Sheep (followers) hear the voice and follow Him, and He takes care of them.
- The Leaders are to know their work very well, and the followers are to do the same.
- Both the leaders and the followers are to work in harmonious parallel.
- They are to cooperate with each other.
- Leaders should appreciate the place of the followers, and the followers must respect the work of leaders.
- The Bible likens the organization of the church to a human body (1 Cor.12:12).
- The feet should not feel unimportant just because it is not the hand (verse 15).
- Also the eye should not say to the hand that it does not need the hand.
- Even the smallest parts are necessary and important in the body (1 Cor.12:20-26).
- These things are also true in Christs Spiritual body, the Church (1Cor.12:27). There should be no jealousy, hatred, bitterness of leaders and followers.
- There must be consideration of followers by leaders.
- There must be total respect of leaders by the followers.
- All members in the congregation must work together by doing well the task which each is able to do.
Prepared by Joseph J. Foray Snr. (Elder/Minister. Church of Christ, Oforikrom Assembly, Kumasi, Ghana)
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