The Structure of the Church (The Church of Christ).Lesson Three
- This Lesson on “What is the Church?”, is a kind of review of what we have already studied in Sunday School this year.
- There are four definitions we are to discuss. They are as follows:
- The church in the wilderness
- The whole Church or body of Christ.
- A local congregation
- An Assembly
The Church in the Wilderness.
- Definition of Church
- The word church means “a called- out group of people”.
- Not a building
- In Acts 8:1-3, we are told that Saul of Tarsus persecuted the “Church”. The “Church” here refers to “men” and “women”.
- Members of the church are the church.
- However, not all men and women are the church. It is only those who are the called –out people are the church.
- In Acts 7:38, Stephen was preaching about the children of Israel who were called out of Egypt into the wilderness.
- Called out of Slavery and bondage.
- He called them “the Church of the wilderness”.
- Not the New Testament Church
- Take note of the fact that this called-out group of people was not the New Testament Church of Christ.
- These people were baptized unto Moses by crossing the Red Sea under the cloud. (1 Cor. 10:1,2)
- Christ Church
- The Church which Christ built did not come into existence until after He came to earth and returned to Heaven. (Matt. 16:18)
- The religion of the O.T was the Jews religion (Gal.1:13,14). Not Christianity, but a forerunner of Christianity (Gal 3:24, Gal. 13:24,25)
- Not A Denomination
The Church which the Bible speaks of is not a denomination.
- There were no denominations in the days of The New Testament.
- All denominational churches came into being many years after Christ had built His Church.
- Denominations are divisions brought about by men contrary to the teachings of the Bible that all should be one. (John 17:20,21).
- The division first began to arrive when believers began to follow false teachers and wearing their names rather than the name of Christ. (1 Cor. 1:10-13).
- The Church which Christ built was never a building. It was always a called-out group of people.
- It was never a denomination. The Church in the wilderness was an “Old Testament called-out group of Jesus”.
- The Whole Church or Body of Christ
- According to the New Testament, the church that Christ founded is the Church of Christ.
- The Bible teaches that this church was purchased by the blood of Christ. (Acts 20:28)
- Christ loved the Church so much that He gave Himself up for it. (Eph. 5:25)
- Every saved person is added by the Lord to the Church. (Acts 2:47). This Church is called the spiritual body of Christ, and He is its head. (Col.1:18,24)
- These called out people are the Christians who have been delivered out of darkness into the Kingdom of Christ (Col.1:13).
- These people have come out from worldly things and have made themselves separate people. (2 Cor. 6:17). The Called-out group the Bible calls the whole Church or body of Christ.
- A Local Congregation
- Another way the New Testament uses the word “Church” is to refer to a local group of Christians.
- This is a congregation of called-out people in one village or city.
- For example, we read of the Church of God which is at Corinth (1Cor.1:2).
- Also we learn about the “Seven Churches” which are in Asia. These are seven congregations in seven Asian cities (Rev.2:11)
- The Apostle Paul send greetings from local congregations when he says, “The Churches of Christ salute you”. A group of called-out believers in any location is a local church.
- An Assembly
- The fourth way the Bible uses the word “Church is to speak of it as an assembly.”
- An assembly is defined as “the meeting together of a group of people for a particular purpose.
- When people are called out of their houses to enter an assembly, they are called “a church”.
- Remember that “Church always means a “called-out group”.
- He says that women must keep silent in the churches (assemblies).
- The Assembly therefore is a called-out group of CHRISTIANS who have come together in a meeting. These are the four ways the Bible uses the word “Church”. Take not of the fact that it is always a “called-out” group of people.
- The word “Church” means “a called-out group of people”.
- There are four (4) ways the Bible uses the word “church”. These are as follows:
- The Church in the wilderness.
- The whole Church or body of CHRIST.
- A local congregation.
- An Assembly
- The church in the wilderness was a called-out group of Jesus
- They were called out of Egyptian slavery and bondage into the wilderness. (Acts 7:38)
- The whole church is also known as the “Spiritual body of Christ” (Col.1:18,24).
- The whole church or body of Christ is a called-out group of people (all Christians) from the world into the Kingdom of Christ (Col. 1:13), and have made themselves a separate people (2Cor. 6:17)
- A local congregation is a called-out group of believers in any location (village, Town, City).
- An assembly is a called –out group of Christians who have come together in a meeting.
Prepared by Joseph J. Foray Snr. (Elder/Minister. Church of Christ, Oforikrom Assembly, Kumasi, Ghana)
The Structure of the Church (The Church of Christ). Lesson Four - African Reality
LESSON FOUR: WHAT IS THE WHOLE CHURCH? INTRODUCTION In this lesson, we shall discuss "What is the whole church." There are three items which we shall discuss as follows: Each Christian in subjection