What is the Bible?

Published on by Joey


The Bible is the  book of wonders. It is God's truth for the salvation, transformation and redemption of the soul of mankind. Written by 40 inspired men of God over a period of 1,600 years,in different languages it contains 66 excellent books; 39 in the old testament and 27 in the new testament. It divisions includes; the books of law, the books of History, books of Prophesy, Poetry, and the Pauline Epistles.

The Bible is the most valuable volume in the whole world. It is the oldest, yet the most current; the most ancient, yet the best seller  of all times. It is the most widely quoted of all texts of the earth, and its principles still rule most of the civilised world today.
It's laws make up most of the contents of all legal systems world wide; and its contents touch on all aspects of human existence - spiritual, intellectual, physical, moral, social, etc. I believe the Bible is the most dependable and reliable text on leadership.

Its light penetrates the invisible with its invincible force and delivers its mission with precision. It's ''meat'' strenghthens the soul and revitalizes the body. It's ''light'' shatters all darkness and shows the way to go. It's ''balm'' heals the sick body and sets the afflicted free.It's ''sword'' destroys all satanic holds and wins all invisible wars. It's ''refiners fire'' sanctifies all rotten lives, and it's ''principles'' edify and make wise.

Yea, the written word is in absolute command  of all the happenings in the world. The written word rules both the natural and spiritual worlds. Holding to the written word by faith puts you in command of the happenings in this world. Surely, the entire world will continue to grope in darkness without the written word of God.

Without the Bible, the human race would have been doomed. I am yet to come across a man that ever regrets his commitment to the practice of this book; but many regret ignoring the values contained therein. You are always in command of the happenings by holding fast to what is written. To toss the Bible aside to to stir up storms, which is bound to be devastating.

Commitment to ''The Book'' guarantees peace; addiction to ''The Book'' stimulates joy unspeakable, full of glory. Truly, this great Book holds the answer to every question, and the key to every door.

Every other text is made up of letters, but the Bible is made up of wonders. The effect of every other book is limited to the natural sphere, but the effect of the book of books transcends the natural to the spiritual, and even to eternity. Its effect is supernaturally unlimited, its authority irresistable, and its foce unstoppable.
The written word is a divine license for a successful and impact-full living. It is a divine visa to a life of exploits. It  is the  way out of every trouble, the truth about all issues, and the gateway to a life of fulfillment.

Yea, it is designed for profitable living. The more committed one is to its principles, the  more profitable life becomes. The Word is water, milk, meat and strong meat; and its able to meet all phyisical fitness needs. It is the wisdom of God in print, and is able to make wise the simple.

The Word is a spiritual hammer that breaks the rocks in pieces. It is the eternal truth about God, man, the world, and the world  that is to come.






culled from Pillars of Destiny by David O. Oyedepo - with the exception of paragraph 1.

Published on Kingdom Matters

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