Prayer:Seeking divine direction for the church
Delivered by Brother Daniel Etse of Oforikrom Church of Christ(English Assemby), Kumasi, Ghana on Day 2 of a six day fast and prayer program. 16th Oct. 2012
As a church, we are admonished to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16. 15. We need to have the courage and divine guidance to carry out this evangeistic mandate; as commanded in Matthew 28. 18-20
God is interested in uprightness and purity of his children; to live righteous and holy lives. Romans 12. 1,2
The church today is becoming moderate in its views and relaxing some of its principles to make some feel comfortabe.Spirituality is not a matter of opinion and biblical standards must not be compromised.
As children of the kingdom, we need to be tolerant of others and not easily angered by the actions and inactions of other bretheren. As admonised in James 1. 19, slow to speak, swift to hear and slow to wrath.. Let us pray for the grace to stand firm in the faith and be considerate toward bretheren; helping to build them up in righteousness.
Let brotherly love continue. Heb. 13. 1...We must practice showing love, concern and care for bretheren. Some may abuse the love, care and support of others. However, whether in giving or receiving love and care, let us appreciate the love of others and treat them with respect.
Leadership plays a crucial role in the direction of any institution.
In Acts 20. says take heed to yourselves and to all the flock overwhich the Holy Ghost has made you overseers, to feed the church of God; which he purchased with his own blood.
We pray for wisdom for the leadership of the church. We pray for the spirit of tolerance. We pray that our leaders are always filled with the spirit and not moved away by infuences of the world.
The Day 3 program: Led by brother Kenneth Obuobi of Oforikrom Church of Christ (English Assembly), on the Theme; seeking devine direction for the Family and work.
Highlights; Without Faith it is impossible to please God. Heb 11. 6. The need for bretheren to grow in faith.
Living by the truth of God's word. psalm 1. 1-6
The need for healthy and growing fellowship between parents and children at home.
Prosperity for the family on every side... Health, profession, relationships, jobs etc.
The need to have obedient children in the home and the right mindset for the youth of today.
The need to seek knowledge in our various fields to improve ourselves consistently. Asking the Lord to grant us the spirit of learning, that we may excel in our work and businesses.
Day 4; Brother Thomas Mensah led the prayer on seeking devine direction for the nation.